A California Christmas

I spent the day before leaving for the Holidays with P and Claud in cutie Beverley Hills. We sat outside at Gratitude and had a little lunch (and cocktail), grabbed coffees, then walked around to see the Christmas decorations and shoot some content. BH is soooo cute this time of year. This gorgina Express coat was perfect for the very “chilly” 68 degrees that I’ve become ever so sensitive to. I swear 68 in LA is different than anywhere else. But I love getting to wear something like this here and then taking it home and styling it completely different. This baby is def making the cut in my suit case home. So proud of Express for staying relevant and having styles for everyone. My fashionable little high school self would be very proud of this partnership.  PS their whole site is 50% off right now so go scroll! 

Shop my cute Express winter fit below along with some other goodies I found! 

Wearing Express:  Coat | Shoes | Earrings 

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