Introducing | StudioHop

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By now you’ve heard me mention my love for start-up businesses stemming from my background in Entrepreneurship. I absolutely love that in this day and age everyone has the ability to do exactly what they want. There are so many ways to make this possible and I honestly think it’s magical to be able to be your own boss and steer away from the norm. That being said, I want to introduce you to the newest start-up on my radar that also happens to be one of the best concepts for the workout class lovers out there, StudioHop.

StudioHop is a Dallas company that offers monthly memberships to a variety of fitness studios around the city. So instead of committing to one type of workout members can access multiple for the price of one membership. For anyone that has ever paid for memberships at specialty studios knows the pain behind it… its expensive and it’s only one type of workout with limited times that fit with your schedule. So when I buy my yoga membership thats all I can do all month when in reality I need some cardio mixed in with it. Of course I try to run in between yoga sessions but I always feel a little guilty knowing I’m wasting a workout on something else when I’m paying for another. StudioHop fixes all of this. Since theres multiple studios there are also multiple times for classes which means there’s no excuse to miss out on a workout because it doesn’t fit in with your schedule for the day. I can also switch up my workouts so I’m So download their app and visit their website here to learn more and shop some of my favorite workout gear below. XOXO