This past weekend three of my best friends and I drove cross country to visit the crazy city of New Orleans for the third time together. We normally go for Mardi Gras (I’ve been the past 4 years) but decided to switch it up with a festival this year. It’s fun to experience festivals in different cities because it’s always different in some way. In this case (other than the crowd) it was mainly the food; It was all true to Louisiana and it’s love for Cajun Southern goodness. Our favorite was the crawfish mac and cheese from Crawfish Monica, all the goodness of a crawfish without the struggle and some carbs to top if off. Holy Shit. But I digress… Enjoy a little Jazz Fest photo diary and my outfit details from the weekend. XOXO
Day 1 Wearing: Ribbed Crop | Black Denim Cut-Offs | Felt Fedora | Plaid Top | Cole Haan Combat Boots (similar) |
Day 2 wearing: Overalls | Lovebird Collective Top | Birkenstocks |