reformation neck tie top

Went straight back to my roots for Day 3 of NYFW in a full on “high end hippie” ensemble down to the sunnies. Plus the back of my ankles already needed a break in these boots. I told you I’ve been loving the jean skirt as a jean short alternative and it definitely makes this look a little fresher. Like I’ve said it’s kind of unexpected when you go somewhere else with the rest of the outfit and throw on a very late 90’s piece of clothing. Since it was fashion week and I had zero concern about being “too much”, I went all out seventies with the rest of the look. In real life I would normally have taken off two or three accessories to rid the image of the stereotypical seventies outfit but since it was fashion week I decided to go for it. I basically put on every one of the most seventies inspired accessories I had and as if that wasn’t enough, Marina gave me this necklace to top it off. Since I was now rocking the necklace I untied my neck tie top and just had it hang like a regular skinny scarf. Which is yet another reason why I love neck tie tops; two styles one top. Shop the look below and snag what you like. I tagged plenty of options. XOXO

Wearing: Denim Skirt (on sale) | Topshop Boots | Reformation Top (similar) | YSL Bag | Aviators |

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nyfw high end hippie

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floral reformation top

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denim skirt