high end hippie acl 2015

ACL this year was as magical as ever. Perfect weather, so many of my best friends, food for days, Drake, Weeknd, Disclosure, Glass Animals, etc. etc. etc. The whole weekend was as amazing as the lineup. I love coming back from weekends like these knowing I get to compile everyone’s pictures and put together a post. Not only does it allow me to share the experience with everyone in a way but it also provides me with a little digital scrapbook. It let’s me go back and re-live all of my adventures and eventually, periods of my life. I know some people prefer not to reminisce on the past and just focus on the future but for me I think it’s important to balance. Not only do I like to relive the magical moments in my life but I love to go back and look at pictures from high school and college and think about what was going on in my life then. It reminds you where you’ve come and I always think it’s funny to think about how the person in the picture would be so shocked at where the girl looking at it is in her life. Which probably explains why I love pictures and documenting my life so much… It shows you that the baby steps you take daily adds up. But I digress… enjoy a little photo diary below and shop my outfits from the weekend. Oh and checkout my post from last year here for some throwback action. XOXO

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Day 1 Wearing: Bodycon Dress | Converse | Ray Ban Sunnies | Flannel |

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Day 2 Wearing: Forever 21 Maxi | Converse | Vintage belt | Aviators |

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Day 3 Wearing: Forever 21 Suede Poncho | Converse | Ray Ban Sunnies | Levi’s |

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austin city limits 2

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