Shore Club Miami

The first few days of our Miami Trip were spent at the dreamy Shore Club in Miami Beach. When you’re used to piling 15 people into a hotel room or shacking on one of your friends couches all weekend a hotel for two is a dream in itself. But add the pools, beach access, decor, location, everythingggggg, it’s a real vacation. I’m sorry but when you live in California and don’t have pool access this shit is a TREAT. I also don’t have a bath tub so my hour and a half drunken bath (sparkly bath bomb and all) was the cherry on top. Shore Club knows how to make an experience luxurious, Every detail was perfect.

We got in Tuesday evening, settled in, and walked to get dinner and drinks. We had spent a ton of time in the area for Art Basel so we were somewhat familiar and even stumbled into one of our fav restaurants from our last trip. We got up early Wednesday morning, walked to get coffee (love being at a hotel walking distance to everything) and then made our way to the pool where we spent the rest of the day. It was so relaxing. We caught up on emails, had some drinks and got some sun. It was too great not having an agenda while being there. Like I said I’m not used to these relaxing vacations unless I”m with my fam. Stay tuned for deets on the rest of our trip but be sure to check out Shore Club if you’re ever planning on taking a trip down to Miami Beach. XOXO