As you might have picked up from this post Coachella is always A LOT for me but this year I feel like I found a good balance and was way better about living in the moment and not stressing about what I had to do next or what I was missing (big shout out to Sunday Scaries for the assist) . So the past couple years on top of attending the festival, events, and shooting my collabs I’ve been working a styling suit with White Horse Agency, who I work with a lot on various styling jobs. They put it on in partnership with White Label who manages a bunch of talent and such. So basically we create a space where the artists and celebrities can come hang, pick up their wristbands, get their hair and makeup done, hit the open bar, and “shop”. I help in the styling suite and assist where I can on putting outfits together and such. Not sure if I’m allowed to say who I get to work with so just use your imagination. Because I work this from 10-5 (and because I’m obsessed with the people I work with) I stay in the same house as the White Horse Team. Then when I get off at 5 I normally meet up with friends at an event and then head to the festival. Obviously I get very little sleep and down time during the weekend especially since I still insist on going to neon carnival and every other party I can fit in buttttt I wouldnt have it any other way because I work best when I’m busy. Anywho there’s my full coachella schedule for ya now enjoy my 8,000 pics.
All of my outfits were High End Hippie Vintage… I uploaded the sequin number but still deciding if I can part with any others so I guess stay tuned. XOXO