Jan 9, 2017 | Mother Denim, Outfits, Urban Outfitters
Athleisure wear is making a big comback and I’m slowly introducing it into my warbrobe. Although I’m whats considered “trendy” I still try to stay true to my personal style. Sometimes this means ignoring a trend completely but most of the time...
Nov 18, 2016 | Mother Denim, Outfits, Urban Outfitters
So I first need to talk about my initial reluctance with the mesh top trend before I go into my obsession with it. I always got intense goth vibes from them; I blame the Hot Topic era I grew up in but regardless I’m over it now. I think they were just...
Oct 4, 2016 | Mother Denim, Outfits, Topshop
As I’m over here putting my life back together from ACL this weekend (I lost my phone) here’s a fresh new outfit post. The star of the show is obviously this slinky black leopard duster. I love how long, oversized, and dramatic it is. The greatest thing to...
Sep 23, 2016 | Friday Find, Mother Denim
One of the biggest trend for fall we’re seeing is different denim hemlines. I’ve covered my love for the fringe hem but have to share the step hem trend as well. I got these from my friends store, HudsonWay and since then all my other jeans have basically...
Sep 15, 2016 | Mother Denim, Outfits, Shopbop
I normally share my very over the top trendy style on here but occasionally I like to throw in a more basic everyday outfit. This is the perfect example of what’s considered “basic” for me. It’s a simple white tee and jean combo but each piece...